Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 3 of Giving That Gives Back: Lovely Linens

I was stressing a little over getting this post out today. My mom load, life load, laundry load, home educator load has me full to the brim and short on time.

But God is good to us when we are trying to be faithful, isn't He? So He sent the lovely Amy Welborn to do my job for me today. She kindly referred to this series in today's post on her blog, and by happy providence shared a lovely little tidbit about her weekend that led me to discover a wonderful ethical shopping opportunity to share with you today.

Nansu Home provides gorgeous home linens that are made from organic color-grown or naturally died cotton that is hand-woven my Maya women in Guatemala who are paid a fair trade wage for their work. Really, what more could you ask for? Oh, wait, there is more. They have a product called monk's belt towels! I love it! It makes me think of these guys. And that makes me happy. Because they are coming to visit again right after Christmas. That will be my Christmas joy.

These would be lovely to wrap a recipe and some yummy baked goodness in and deliver to your pastor, neighbor, or favorite missionary. Just joking. Kind of.

Tomorrow let's talk about ways to get the people in your life on board with non-consumer options for Christmas. I promise to get up before the day attacks with reality and get it done! In the mean time, let's all thank Amy for serendipitously keeping us on track today!

Don't forget you can find all the links to the posts in this series in the introduction post here.

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